Tej Gem Testing Lab in Coimbatore, India Migrated to Nveloop Gem  Lab Management System

Tej Gem Testing Lab is Coimbatore, India based gem and jewelry testing & certification laboratory. Tej provide mineral testing report services for diamond, colored stones and jewelry.

Tej Gem Testing Lab was using a software system since it opened the door for business. But as the business picked up the lab found out the need for a easy to use feature rich software. Further it should cut down the test certificate processing and printing time. The new software should be able to scale up with the business growth.

Tej Gem Testing Lab approached Nveloop to take up the challenge and provide them a software system to manage the lab’s operation efficiently and ability to scale up with the business growth.

Nveloop Gem Lab Management System‘s version2 cloud based system well suited for Tej’s present and future business requirement. From order taking to certificate delivery, the process is handled seamlessly through the software system. The certificate printing is just a click of a button from the software; be it a diamond test or a colored stone test. Tej now issue brief report and full report test certificates with QR and online certificate verification facility.

Customer Management:
Using Nveloop GLMS’s customer management and pricing matrix functionalities; Tej now offer differentiated services to key customers, jewelry customers, gem traders,etc. The front desk functions simplified cash, card, credit payments and GST tax invoicing; which was something Tej wanted to streamline with the new software.

Nveloop as the technology partner for Tej Gem Testing Lab, Coimbatore celebrates the new business journey for growth and looking forward to be a long term business relationship.

To know about Tej Gem Testing Lab and it’s services please click here http://tejgemtestinglab.com/

To learn more about the Gem Lab Management System, please click here https://nveloop.com/gem-lab-management-system