NV Gem ERP – A Customized Solution to Your Business

Still using excel sheets, accounting software, paper and ledger books?
Manage colored gemstone business with a single centralised software.

Customized Software for Coloredstone Business

A customized software version for your business needs is all you wants to smoothly manage all your business processes.

Get a customized version of the market leading Nveloop gem software for your company and install in your servers.

Tested and Proven Software to Manage Colored Gemstone Business

Developing a custom software from zero is not an easy task for any big software development company. It could take months for development and bug fixing, yet you getting a proper working software is not guaranteed.

The time tested and proven Nveloop software for colored gemstones would give you a better and guaranteed option. Your company will get a easy to use software for a competitive cost with all customization you need.


Gem ERP Features


Direct sales invoicing

Foreign currency billing ( USD, GBP, Euro, HKD, THB, . . )

Cash |credit sales

Payent terms

Customer payments

Sales return

Broker commission | sales commission

Shipping fee


Purchase invoice

Cash | credit purchase

Payment terms

Purchase returns

Supplier payments

Foreign currency payments ( USD, GBP, Euro, HKD,. . . )

Partnership purchases

Lab & Lapidary Issues: 

Track manufacturing issues and returns

Add charges (cut, heating, polishing,..) directly to gemstones

Track issues and returns from gem lab

Add lab fee directly to gemstones

Update gemstone certificate / report no

Memo (Consignment Items):

Memo in ( memo purchase):

Memo items

Memo parcels

Supplier partial payment (sold items)

Memo commssion ( percentage/ flat rate/ zero)

Item returns

Memo out (memo sale):

Item issues and tracking

Partial invoicing (sold items)

Memo commssion payment ( percentage/ flat rate/ zero)

Memo item returns

Gemstone Inventory:

Gemstone grouping / categories

Extensive use of gemstone attributes; color, shape/ cut, size, weight, origin, certificate

Gemstone parcels

Parcel split | merge | tansfer

Location Management; transfer gemstones between stores | export locations | sales/ exhibition outlets 

Barcodes/ QR code labels

Perform quick and easy stock counts

Quick add direct cost feature

Add gemstone photo | vide0


Sales summary report

Item – sales report

Item – customer report


Purchase summary report

Item – purchase report

Item – supplier report


Inventory costing

Item aging report

Item profitability

Gem ERP – Add on Modules

Connect with Ecommerce Platforms

The customized software version allows to add anything and everything you need. Connect your ecommerce site, shopify or the retail shop point of sales.

Managing a single integrated inventory would solve half of your daily routine workload. With Nveloop gem software you get more time to engage with your customers.

Connect Online Gem Catalog

Gem Catalog is a great marketing tool for colored gemstone tradig companies to show their inventory to the customers.

Gem Catalog is a visual online product catalog connected to the gem sofware’s inventory.

You can control what items to show and limit  who get access to the gem catalog.


Add Advanced Features to Simplify the Business Process

Some featureds you may think are too complex to automate in colored gemstone trade.

You may be wrong. Nveloop has automated not only gem traders and exporters; our experience in automating lapidaries, jewelries and gem testing laboratories has given us greater advantage when it comes to developing software for very complex needs.

Let give us a call and see how could Nveloop make your life little easier.

One Software to Manager Your Business

The NV Gem ERP customized software solution is for colored gemstone companies which has complex operational requirements.

Large Scale Gemstone Traders

When the business grows it gets complicated. The common problem every big company experiencing is coordinating different departments and people who works for the company.
A single software platform unify all of them within and let everything to be better managed.

Jewelry Suppliers

Managing orders, deliveries, buying gemstones, buying for orders,  issuing stones for cutting, keeping a count of all inventories not an easy job to do without a proper system.
Nveloop gem software provides you a solution to manage your business without an interruption.

Gem Cutting Lapidaries

Recording lapidary job orders, craftsmen and delivery time schedules may not easy as they looks in a busy gem lapidary.
Lapidary management and inventory modules in Nveloop gem software helps the lapidary to track from order taking to invoicing.

Mine to Market Dealers

The mine to market business involve every aspects of the gem trade. Calculating and allocating cost in the process is very challenging, mostly neglected. The inventory module allows cost allocation to individual gemstones and parcels. 

Coloredstone Exporters

The multi currency invoicing feature, unit calculations, tax/ non tax invoices and shipping options enable gem exporters to manage customer accounts perfectly.
Use gem catalog module to give a ecommerce site like feature for your customers and enable it for order taking.


Manage your retail store stock or the ecommerce stock with the company inventory. Sell same gemstone in online and in the shop, the system will update if the item is sold out. Also you can manage different prices; for retail, wholesale customers etc.  

Frequently Asked Questions

what is the difference between customized software and other subscription versions

Standard, Pro and Premium versions are subscription versions. These versions offer limited options for customization.
On the otherhand the NV ERP version allows extensive customization and options for add-on modules. 

Is it accessible online?

Yes, the software installed in onlne servers is accessible online.

Would it possible to cover all our business processes. We do some unique things?

Yes, we are better equiped with taking any challenge in the gem & jewelry industry

What is the benefit of having Nveloop software than we get someone to develop a customized software?

Someone need to start from zero, it’s not 100% guaranteed the software you get would work perfect even if that someone is a reputed software company.
Nveloop software is time and tested for performance and functionalities. Nveloop gem & jewelry software are used 

Can you install the software in our server

Yes, software can be installed in your servers and cloud servers you own

Do we have to pay monthly subscription fee or onetime payment

One time payment

Do we need a IT person or a system administrator to manage our systems

It depends on the size of your company and no of users working on the software.
May not need a specialized IT person if the software is hosted in online servers and included proper security plan. 

The it technology is rapidly changing. How your software would change with it?

Yes, we continously release software updates. Also feature upgrades are released free of charge for customers.